Welcome to Saks Wellness Center
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Thomas A. Edison
Welcome to our wellness center. We applaud your interest and your efforts in reaching for a higher level of wellness in your life. Know that we are here to help you and guide you. It is our pleasure and our honor to work with you.
Whether you have come here because you are experiencing pain or have been diagnosed with a condition you wish to address, or you just know you can feel better, our wellness center is here for you. If it is time to get your body working better and you want to avoid using drugs and/or surgery, you have come to the right place.
Our providers are here to work with you in this process and will be able to address your specific needs and concerns. No matter your current condition, science has proven that there are certain things we all can do for ourselves that aid the healing process. To get started, here are some general things for you to keep in mind and start to implement in your life:
- Sugar: Of course there are foods that we should avoid. Perhaps the top of the list is sugar. There is not another food (and actually, sugar does not fit the definition of a food) that causes more harm to the human body. There is no need in the body for added sugar and it should be avoided.
- Healthy Fats/Oils: Avoid highly refined vegetable and seed oils like like corn oil, soybean oil, and oil blends and instead use oils that have been linked to health benefits, like olive oil and avocado oil.
- Water: Such an easy thing to overlook and yet so critical to our well-being. Our bodies require it and many positive things happen behind the scenes when your body gets the amount that it needs … and several no-so-good things happen when it doesn’t. As a general rule, drink about half your body weight in ounces or water each day.
- Sleep: The need for sleep and what happens within our body when we don’t get enough has been studied extensively. We recommend between 7 to 8 hours of deep, restful sleep every night.
- Raw Food: Food that has not been cooked contains enzymes and nutrients that are no longer available when cooked. We recommend that salads be a significant part of your everyday diet with more emphasis on vegetables than fruits.
- Exercise: Our bodies require movement, but our society is set up for a lot of sitting. Sitting at a computer, sitting behind the wheel, sitting while we wait, while we watch a game or a TV show … you get the picture. We need to move. Find a way to bring at least a 20 minute walk into your daily routine and increase from there.
- Time Restricted Eating: Our bodies need rest from the work of breaking down and utilizing the food we eat. This time of rest is when the greatest healing can take place within us. An easy way to start is to begin with a 12 hour fast every day. The simplest way is to stop eating after dinner and wait 12 hours until breakfast. This fits into most lifestyles and eliminates the evening snack. Your body will reward you.
- Nutritional supplements: It is a proven fact that we are not able to supply all the nutrients that our body needs with the food that is available to us in today’s world … no matter where you shop, how much you pay or how careful you are with your choices. For everyone living in our area we recommend these supplements on a daily basis as a minimum:
- Multiple vitamin
- Vitamin D
- Probiotic
- Fish Oil
- Magnesium
We recommend that you take nutritional supplements made ONLY from food. Your provider can help with specific recommendations and dosages.
Bringing these 8 practices into your daily life will get you and keep you on the road to better health.
If you have already scheduled an appointment with us, WELCOME! If you need more information or want to know if your specific health challenge is something we can help with, you can schedule a short, no charge consult. Call us at (989) 732-7000 and set up a consult appointment, or click here and we’ll call you.