what to expect Gaylord, MI


You will be warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Help is on its way!
When you arrive in the office, you will be greeted by staff and any intake forms will be checked for completion. All new patient paperwork is sent to you ahead of time so you won’t have to spend time in our waiting room filling out forms.

If you are a new Chiropractic or Functional Nutrition patient, your provider or the Patient Advocate will meet with you to explain in detail what you will experience that day.

Once you have completed the exam, the office manager or scheduling coordinator will inquire how your visit went. If there were any issues, the provider will address the issue before you leave. A follow-up visit is then scheduled for a Report of Findings.


Report of Findings – Nutrition

During this visit, we explain the issues we found and how we may be able to help you.

You are given your report to read ahead of time, either in the waiting room or your exam room. The provider will then go over your report in detail and suggest a treatment plan going forward.

Report of Findings – Chiropractic

On your report visit we explain what we know about the cause of your problem and recommendations to address the resolution.

The doctor will explain the findings of your exam and take whatever time is necessary for you to understand why you are feeling the way you do. Then, an explanation of what treatments are needed will be offered.

Insurance Coverage and Payment Plans

The Patient Advocate will meet with you briefly for an explanation of any insurance coverage or payment plans available. If you agree to the service and the fees, you are then treated.

After your treatment you check out at the front desk where you are given a calendar with your schedule and any supplements that have been recommended. If you need exercises or any other instructions for doing things at home, they are given at that time. Your second visit in our office is then complete.

Depending on the number of questions you have, in general:

Chiropractic reports take 30 minutes.

Nutrition reports take about 45 minutes.


A typical office visit can include any or all of the following services:

  • Massage Therapy is either one half or a full hour.
  • Laser Therapy is 5-10 minutes.
  • Nutrition is 10-20 minutes, an additional 30 minutes for a re-exam.
  • A Chiropractic visit is 10 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for either flexion-distraction or mechanical traction.
  • Vibration Training or other fitness training for most people can be accomplished in 20 minutes

Massage Therapy

You will be escorted to the massage therapy room, where the Massage Therapist will give you a couple minutes to get on the table and then knock for permission to enter. After the massage has ended, the Therapist leaves so that you can get dressed and head to the front desk for payment and to schedule another appointment.

Chiropractic and all other services

The front desk staff will escort you to a treatment room and let you know where to be seated.

Once your treatment is done, recommendations for your next visit are sent to the front desk. You will stop at the checkout desk, make any payment necessary and receive a copy of your schedule and any recommended nutritional supplements or exercises that are needed. If you are scheduled for another service, the front desk staff will escort you to the next treatment room.

That concludes your visit.